A Stamp in Time

David M. Carbajal
3 min readOct 28, 2021


How my Eponym NFT’s reflect a transformative time in my life

I am a son, husband, father, and entrepreneur — The ‘entrepreneur part is relatively new — I cut ties with the corporate world on July 13, 2021. With close to 1 Billion dollars in new construction and development projects that I managed over the past ten years with two different corporate companies under my belt, it was time for me to take my skills to projects and passions of my own. Venturing off on my own was not an easy decision and took a lot of courage to leave my stable career (more on this false sense at another time), especially since I recently had my second child three months prior. — I will get into a more detailed version of what led me to this decision in a future post — Let’s talk about NFT’s and more specifically, Eponym.

NFT’s — where to begin — they got me! I’m in the rabbit hole and do not want to come out. The collecting, the art, the community, the social status and symbolism, the “utility,” the global reach and opportunities — applications are endless, and we have truly just begun. We are so early! I am about 5-months in, but it feels like 5-years — my first flags and notable stops within this rabbit hole have been with VeeFriends, Creature World, and most recently, Eponym. I have aped into a lot more projects, but I want to highlight a few that have a winning formula (more on this in a later post as well) —

Eponym — I was doom scrolling through Twitter one night and saw a post about a mint that had high ‘notable buyer’ action. Naturally, I hastily clicked my way through and landed on the Eponym mint page. With a heightened sense of urgency, I hastily typed out the 1st words/phrase that came to mind — I am grateful to have had this urgency because I did not have time to overthink. I typed out what was on my mind and in my heart. The results were astounding, and the process was unforgettable.


This is precisely how I was able to break the corporate chains and build the life that my family and I design — On our terms. There is nothing for God that is impossible — this Eponym reminds me to let go and….


This Eponym reminds me of a bucking bull. Not only do I love the colors, but it represents the massive action that I have taken this past year. I have surrendered to God’s will and taken action for myself and my family. Because to me….


They deserve my best self. They motivate me to become the person that God had in mind when he created me. What a beautiful title for this Eponym — I still can’t believe that AI made this.

Each of these Eponym NFT’s is so visibly different, yet they all work together in representing a pivotal transition point in my life.

I am a son, husband, father, entrepreneur, and digital AI artist! What a great experience! —

This origin collection has a special place in my NFT collection — There was no time to have any outside influence impact my AI Art, I wasn’t able to second guess my decisions and it was a true blessing because it came from within. They all work together, so I will not be burning any of these for Eponym, V2!

Time to make some moves and grab me some burners!…

More to come from me on the entrepreneur lifestyle and my journey in the NFT space as I work to find synergies and a bridge to merge the “old” with this emerging revolution.

-David M. Carbajal


